Monday, October 31, 2011

New Chapter In Life...

new chapter in life! i start my new job at BNSF Railway tomorrow! i'm so excited for this new adventure in life! the last company i was with taught me a lot but it was time to move on. i've had off the last 2 weeks to give myself a little vacation before i start my new job and it has been wonderful! spent some time with my dad, visited kristen and matt, and otherwise was just lazy hanging around the apartment! this new job will also allow me to have a "normal" schedule. i will be working only monday through friday instead of monday through saturday! yea for having my weekends back after 4 years! it will be nice to be able to see friends and family more often!

in other news...i ran my very first Mud Run this past saturday! for those that dont know what it is...its a 10k run (6.2miles) with obstacles through mud and water. we even swam across the trinity river twice! it was so cold and very muddy but fun! i did have one little mishap...while trying to walk across the log walk (a board that is about 2 or 3 inches thick) i fell, hit the side of my face, wrist, arm and leg on the way down into the muddy water pit! kelly and megan were concerned i had hit my face so hard i was bleeding, but it was my wrist that hurt most of all. i just shook it off and still finished the race. now, 2 days later, everything but my face is bruised pretty badly! thankful my face didnt since i start my new job tomorrow!

jason is gearing up for deer season which means i will be seeing a little less of my husband for the next couple of months, well at least on the weekends! i know he is really excited to use his new rifle that he bought over the summer! hopefully he will get something this season so we can have some deer meat! yummy!

getting excited about the holidays coming up! i love decorating for Christmas! loving the cooler weather too! bring it on winter!